When God blesses a man there’s really no word to describe it. I’ll call it the supernatural elixir. Everything you do just turns out right; everything you touch turns to success. When that blessing is on you, favor will come to you and you can’t help but succeed in everything you do. This starts up in your life when God visits you. Now you can understand something of the force field we talked about earlier. Everybody desires to be successful in whatever they do; and this is perhaps why some people look for charms to help them. Some go to the extent of traveling to other countries to get these charms. Everybody wants that supernatural ‘thing’ that can open up doors everywhere. When the anointing settles on you, as the dew of hermon, its effects are beyond human description. Everything you touch starts prospering as that anointing keeps working. When God gives the word for your blessing, it settles on you like dew, and prospers you in every way. This comes from the Presence of the Lord. When Hannah prayed, she got that force field set up all around her. It was at this point that the priest of God blessed her, saying, “…Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him.” (1 Samuel 1:17); the force field around her attracted the blessing of God. The dew of God came upon her and she was blessed. She had a son, and she called him Samuel, but she didn’t stop there; she fulfilled her vow to God by bringing the child to the house of God. She went back home and had more children, though she had been called barren. Glory to God! Barrenness could touch your life, your business, your body, your education, even your home, and it could touch you in so many ways. But when God visits you, it doesn’t matter how many people don’t like your face, they just don’t have an option, but to see you go up the ladder of success and victory because God has commanded His blessing upon you.