SATURDAY, APRIL 21st 2018.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PhD.
THE CHOSEN GENERATION. (We’re God’s Own Special Generation In These Times)
TO THE BIBLE. 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light”
LET’S TALK. It’s no longer news to the world when they hear of earthquakes, wars, famines, floods, outbreak of diseases, and so on. These are some of the signs which the Bible said would indicate the end of the age. We’re frequently bombarded with the reports of places, from the Internet, TV and radio, ravaged by these destructive elements. The gruesome pictures painted have filled the hearts of many people with fear, apprehension and despondency.
Amidst all these, God is raising a mighty generation of believers that don’t know enough to worry, because they are well grounded in His Word. I don’t mean they’re naïve or completely ignorant of their environment, they’ve just chosen to fill their minds with God’s Word, rather than worldly information. They’ve chosen the Word to dominate their hearts, and they are thus God- conscious. They are like little children who don’t have enough information to worry; they’re never anxious about anything. These are the peculiar people Apostle Peter talked about in 1 Peter 2:9.
The Church of Jesus to which we belong at this generation is special, unique and chosen of God for these times. Just as little children are confident of their parents’ ability to take care of them, so also you must trust God, knowing that all things work together for your good (Romans 8:28). Let your heart be filled with God’s Word, and not with the headline news or any other information that’s contrary to the Word.
This is the only way to ensure that you remain in God’s own special generation of mighty men and women and that you’re living above the forces of darkness in the world, especially at the close of this age.
GO DEEPER 1 John 5:4-5; Luke 21:25-26
SPEAK. My trust is firmly rooted in God and His Word; therefore the storms of life cannot move me. I refuse to observe the situations around me. I keep my focus on the Word.
You Are God Best
ONE YEAR Luke 19:1-27, 1 Samuel 14-15
TWO YEAR Mark 4:13-20, Leviticus 21