AFFIRMATION 9TH of APRIL 2019. I affirm that life is not a mystery unto me! My understanding and perception of life are been reshaped by the Word. Daily, my spirit is open to the leading and guidance of the Spirit. I am built up by the Word; God’s Word on my lips is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. They are faith-filled, transforming circumstances and changing situations to conform to the Father’s perfect will for me. I will never miss my way in life because my spiritual antenna is attuned to the right frequency. It doesn’t matter where or the situation I find myself; I win always! I record great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, and unending prosperity. The glory of the Word is revealed and made manifest in my life, as it transforms me, causing God’s grace and peace to be multiplied in my life, bringing me favors and blessings. Hallelujah! The entrance of God’s Word lightens my spirit, producing healing and health in my physical body. As I meditate on God’s Word, supernatural understanding floods my mind, causing me to live victoriously today and always. Blessed be God! #christembassy #losangeles #inglewood #southerncalifornia #mydeclaration #prayingnow #loveworld #pastorchris #teaching #talkingsession #upward #forward #empowerment #signs #wonders #leadership #gospel #illumination #peace #affirmationtrain #music #possession #supernatural #strengthened #invigorated #excellence #anointing