#TALKINGSESSION 30TH MAY. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Father, thank You for filling my life with Your joy. I declare that the joy of the Lord is my strength, and that joy saturates my spirit and bursts forth in refreshing streams to my world. I rejoice always in the Lord my God, who has filled my heart with gladness, and my mouth with songs of rejoicing. I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease, and poverty today and always! I am the workmanship of God, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. No weapon of darkness fashioned against me shall ever prosper, because I live in the Name of Jesus! I've been delivered from the destruction that ruins men's life and catapulted into God’s realm of life where I reign victoriously with Christ, every day, in Jesus’ Name. #christembassy #losangeles #whittier #whittierblvd #christembassylosangeles #southerncalifornia #church #talksession #words #wisdom #teachings #peace #joy #grace #love #joy #sunday #service #celebration #usaregion1 #yearoflights #may #2019 #christembassylosangeles #usaregion1Â