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  • Writer's pictureChrist Embassy Los Angeles California

Talking Session



Righteous Father, I am so grateful for Your boundless blessings in my life.

Thank You for the power of the Spirit that is at work in me to effectively minister the Gospel to those in my world, and the regions beyond. Your grace is released even now for hearts to be touched and converted by the news of Your saving power. I am called, justified, and glorified according to Your divine predestination. Your call on my life is that of honour! I am the chosen of the Lord; therefore, I refuse to cast away the call of God on my life.

His call is my only insurance for a glorious life and future. I am serving the Lord unreservedly, living for Him, and honouring what He honours. I am always glad and full of praise for the opportunities He gives me for service. I walk in the glory of God, and live in the dominion and authority of Christ!

Nothing, and no one, can successfully stand against me, as I go forth proclaiming liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, bringing men out of darkness into the glorious liberty of the sons of God! My whole life is about the call; therefore, I refuse to treat it lightly. The only thing that matters to me is the call of God on my life and how to fulfill it. I am fulfilling that call by the power of the Spirit.

Daily, I give attention to God's Word and His call on my life. I've made the decision to follow the Spirit, not the world or the flesh. His desires are my desire. As I serve Him truly and wholeheartedly, He fills my life with His beauty, grace, glory, and honour, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Hallelujah!

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