Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for granting me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You, and for enlightening the eyes of my understanding to know Your will and walk in Your ways! I declare that Your Word takes root in my spirit today, bringing forth the fruits of what it talks about it.
Thank You for teaching me how to pray the right way, using the Name of Jesus! I declare today that I am making progress in my life and bringing glory to You because the Name of Jesus is named upon me! I function in, and by the power of that Name today. Hallelujah!
Thank You for my words are imbued with authority from the Spirit. Therefore, I speak forth authoritatively, healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, raising the dead, casting out devils, and demonstrating God’s love to my world. I am strengthened because the joy of the Lord in my spirit is my strength. Gloom, depression, and heaviness are far from me, for I carry an atmosphere of joy with me everywhere I go.
I am set on the path of success, glory, victory and divine destiny! I walk in preordained pathways, for predestination is at work in me! The course of events in my life has been structured by the Father to bring Him glory, having established me to fulfil my destiny of Him, in Jesus' Name. Amen!